Refining your web site can be tough considering that you will have to enhance your backend code quite a lot to ensure your websites work faster. Nevertheless, you can boost your web site’s functionality, without having to change anything in the backend. With the help of the Web Site Acceleration Tools, included in the Online Control Panel, you could help your web–sites load and function a lot faster than ever before. This won’t simply benefit your end users (everyone enjoys the web page they are going to to come up quickly), but may also help your site rank higher in search engine results.

Working with the Web Site Acceleration Tools is certainly straightforward. Simply log into the Online Control Panel to find out just how each web accelerator instrument works.


RAM–saving as an alternative to database calls

When you’ve got a data–base–driven site or application, and data–base calls usually tend to reduce the performance, this could be really disheartening to the site visitors or the application consumers. Finding a resolution can generally take a considerable amount of time. Nonetheless, in the Online Control Panel, you can find a resolution for you.

Memcached is a simple, yet high–performance distributed memory caching platform, that caches information and objects in the RAM. This way, the database–stored info on your site does not need to be querried every time a customer opens up exactly the same page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–storing in place of HTTP calls

Utilizing the Varnish website accelerator included in the Online Control Panel, you can easily make your site web pages come up faster for your site visitors. All configuration settings are made via a user–friendly interface, with no need to come up with any immediate corrections to the backend code of your respective site.

Varnish is really an HTTP accelerator that will help all webpages run faster by storing them inside the server’s memory. That way, after a page has already been loaded by a customer once, it doesn’t have to be shipped by the server any longer, which generally reduces website speeds and also quickens your pages. It has been calculated that Varnish typically hastens site loading times with a factor of 300 – 1000x.

Hepsia File Manager


An excellent way to construct adaptable web apps

Should you wish to develop a web application, you need to have the tools you’ll need available right away, with no need to seek out, arrange and set them up. Our Online Control Panel could help you save both the time and money, by offering you the resources you will need right close at hand.

The Node.js tool will allow programmers, whether they’re experts or otherwise, to build up flexible network programs and sites. It’s using the Google V8 JavaScript engine along with the libUV. Node.js employs an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light–weight plus useful, suitable for data–intensive real–time apps that run through distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager